Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tasty Candies!

Are you candyaddicted?

I don’t blame you. Candies are one of my favorite pleasures, a temptation hard to resist. I love their sweet taste and their attractive and striking color!

However, there are a lot of negative aspects we must take into consideration when we are consuming them. It is our responsibility control ourselves and take them within limitation, maybe just special occasions. An excess of candy promotes cavities and the losing of your teeth. Make sure you brush your teeth just after eating candy.

Another negative aspect is that they remove hunger so when it’s time for lunch or dinner you don’t want to eat the basic food your body needs. In addition, candies are extremely addictive and they don’t provide any nutrients. They are empty calories full of sugar, unhealthy and can provoke future diseases.

REMEMBER! If you care about your health, reduce the sweet, addictive gummies!

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